Judging is based on comparison to a standard, not on comparison to others in the class. Judges may consider skill level based on age and circumstance, and expect a higher performance from older 4-H'ers, so there is some variance within the standard. Award groups are as follows:


Purple Ribbon: Excellent quality. Usually reserved for top two or three of the group, but not limited in number given.

Blue Ribbon: Superior quality. The standards have been met. Denotes adequate work.

Red Ribbon: Average to above average quality. Shows signs of quality, but does not completely meet the standards. Some areas need further improvement.

White Ribbon: Below average quality. Does not meet standards. Denotes improvement needed.

Participation Ribbons:(Cloverbuds) Are given when members exhibit for personal satisfaction, not to see how their exhibit compares to a standard.


Champion & Reserve Are given in some departments. If the judge feels there are projects that deserve the title of Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion. The pink and purple rosettes are saved for the overall winner of the division/class.

Every entry should receive a ribbon, exception below.    

  • Livestock Poster entries will be divided into junior and senior divisions. The top 5 posters in each division will receive ribbons and premiums.  All other poster/options will not receive ribbons or premiums.

Premiums Paid for Ribbons 

Premiums are given on the below ribbon types/colors.  Premiums are paid for each exhibitor up to five (5) highest entries per class. Premiums not paid for market classes, or animal educational options/posters.

Animal Projects

White $1.50
Red $2.00
Blue $2.50
Purple Flat $3.50
Pink Rosette $4.50
Purple Rosette $5.00

Indoor Projects

White $2.00
Red $3.00
Blue $4.00
Pink Rosette $6.00
Purple Rosette $8.00